Category: 2019

New research: biodegradable bags don’t actually biodegrade?

New research: biodegradable bags don’t actually biodegrade?

Researchers from the International Marine Litter Research Unit at Plymouth University in the United Kingdom...
Revealing the tastes of South Africa’s bottled waters

Revealing the tastes of South Africa’s bottled waters

Looking for a water to use as a mixer with whiskey or brandy, or perhaps...
PET bottles and sunlight key to purifying water

PET bottles and sunlight key to purifying water

PET bottles - those used to bottle many carbonated and sweetened cold drinks as well...
To Reduce Waste, Don’t Ban It; Make It More Valuable, Collectable

To Reduce Waste, Don’t Ban It; Make It More Valuable, Collectable

Late last year (December 13), The Wall Street Journal declared that the bottled water industry...
This World Water Day, consider validity & source of facts before pointing fingers

This World Water Day, consider validity & source of facts before pointing fingers

‘Consider the source of the facts, weigh up their reliability, and make a distinction between...